Monday 31 December 2012

A New Day: Moving Forward

It's here, upon us: the threshold of a Brand New Year!

What hope fills our hearts at the thought of a new beginning, a fresh start,  another chance. However you decide to spend your day, and night counting down the hours to the New Year, remember this:

Once you have crossed over- there can be no turning back.

All the successes, victories and triumphs of 2012 are forgotten. 
There are new roads to be forged; new territory to be claimed.
A new vision to run with.     

Run with God.

Similarly, the pain, regrets, lost time and opportunity, too are no more.
Pick up the pieces and move on. In love, in hope, in healing.
Mend what fences/bridges God calls you to mend, and walk away from the rest. Trust in Him to perfect all things to come concerning you because of His great Love. We serve an awesome and a Faithful Father and King!!

2013 is a year of Freedom and Fullness. It is a year to soar. It is a year to Become the Dream.

So Dream Big-Walk Tall- and Live Faith

Wait on God today...Listen to the vision He places in your heart for 2013 and


"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay."                       
                                                                                Habakkuk 2:3


Be #INCouraged

In Christ

©2012  Allison Pillay

Saturday 15 December 2012

Deck the Halls.....With Prayer

Hi Friends,

Wow! It's really been a while. Too long! I hope that you are all doing well and that God's love has brought you into a place of abundant grace and blessing.

Can you believe that we are just 10 days away from Christmas!!! It's crazy! Well, in between all the joy of the season, I have witnessed much pain and loss by some members of the Body. I believe that this is why it is so critical to be sensitive during this period. Not everyone is in the same place, and to some this can be the loneliest, most difficult period of the year.

For many this year has been a struggle and they simply can't wait for it to be over. To them I say, be encouraged, for God says in Isaiah 43:18,19:

"Remember you not the former things neither consider the things of old.

Behold I WILL do a new thing; NOW it SHALL spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a WAY in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

It's not over till God says so, so hold on and know that Victory awaits you NOW. It is here. God will help you to cross over and transition into your HOPE. Just trust in Him and allow His Spirit to direct your thoughts towards Victory in Christ! 

Let us also not forget the widows, orphans, elderly, those divorced, widowed, unemployed, impoverished, alone, broken, abused, etc. This is what is addressed in Isaiah 58:6-8:

"Is this not the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke"-  v6

Last night, at a youth festival in a local community riddled with social ills (from drugs and prostitution to murder and mayhem), it became so evident the need to continually remain prayerful during this season. There is so much going on in our communities, that we can often try to drown it out with our own happiness and festive oblivion. Yet, God is calling us to be a light shining brighter and brighter into day for those who cannot see. Now, this does not mean that we should not celebrate a good year of God's grace- but rather that we extend that same grace to those so in need of it. And we don't have to go far to find a worthy candidate...

The preacher who shared last night mentioned how after Jesus was born, King Herod then sent out a command to execute all the babies born during that season in the Kingdom. (Matthew 2:16) This was such a revelation to me as I realized that during this season, so many negative things do take place especially to children. It is thus vital to remain under God's protective covering in His Word and under Christ's blood (Psalm 91).

We have to take authority over that spirit of death released so many years ago against our children in this season. Our condolences, heartfelt sympathies and prayers go out to those families of the Newton incident in Connecticut. Tragedies such as this are so painful- especially during this time of year. Therefore, it is not a season to get slack beloved. It is not a season to overindulge or overspend or become spiritually lackadaisical. Let's get into God, more than ever.

It is not a time to get off the wall, but to remained stationed in the Spirit- militant. This is still a war. Souls are on the line. Cover your families, your children, your communities. Make a hedge and block off every entrance to the enemy and REJOICE in the victory of Christ.

GOD is still on the throne. Therefore, let us remain watchmen on the walls and deck the halls with Prayer. (Isaiah 62:6)

Rest in His love and walk in His Spirit as you prepare to have your:


Be #INCouraged

In Christ

© 2012 Allison Pillay

Wednesday 21 November 2012

The Law of Substitution- Part 2

"Don't become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants-what is good, pleasing, and perfect."  Romans 12:2 (God's Word Translation)

Been waiting in anticipation??

So have I!! Welcome Back! We are in the process of we fixing our thoughts- but where do we begin?

Well, if your mind wants to play tricks on you- you gotta outsmart it! 

God has fearfully and wonderfully created us (Psalm 139:14).
He has given us the ability to train our brain! From birth our brain is making all these connections and associations and programming them into our being to be used later. Therefore, we have the ability and responsibility to condition our mind toward thoughts (and thus actions) that are positive and productive.

Thus, it boils down to the law of substitution and the application of classical conditioning- utilizing the power of The Holy Spirit (of course) and the Word of God. 

Rather than trying to suppress those unproductive, negative thoughts, substitute them with the Word of God and redirect them to the image of that scripture in action.

2 Corinthians 10:5 says "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" [gotta love King James ;D]

WE are thus called on to: 1- Cast Down 
                                    2- Capture (& Exile)

thoughts and imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge or obedience of Christ. See, temptation is not there to expose our weakness- but rather to exalt the power of God within us- through the working of His Spirit. God has given us the resources for success in all areas of life, and it begins with the mind> the seat of all human behavior.

So, for example in practice: The next time you're fuming and about to curse:  

- Stop, and recognise the symptoms of tension building up: irritation, hurt etc.

- Acknowledge that you ARE angry- then redirect that emotion to the Word
   of God

- God says, "Be angry and do not sin" (He also acknowledges this emotion, thus not DENYING that you would feel this way, but offering an escape)

                                                       -Ephesians 4:26 & 1 Corinthians 10:13

- Repeat, meditate (yes like a mantra!) on this Word and allow the Holy Spirit

  to fill your mind with new pictures of God's peace, provision & vision for you.

- Walk in that vision of a New You- Let it become your Truth.

It does not happen overnight, but through constant redirection and substitution of altering thoughts with the Word of God- through the Power of The Holy Spirit- we too can have the mind of Christ and live Victorious Lives!


"We have the mind of Christ"                                       -1 Corinthians 2:16

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus"  - Philippians 2:5   


Be #INCouraged

In Christ

© 2012 Allison Pillay

The Law of Substitution- Part 1

"Everything is permissible, but not everything is helpful. Everything is permissible, but not everything builds up."                                                     -1 Corinthians 10:23
Have you ever tried to give up something? A bad habit perhaps, like nail-biting or speeding? It doesn't even have to be a terrible vice like alcohol or smoking or.......or chocolate!

OK, OK...guilty- or should I say- redeemed of the charge!

Giving up things that are bad or not beneficial for us is never easy, especially when they have become a habit. See, I have found that the thing with habits, is that they have a way of actually getting under your skin- and it all starts in the mind.

Psychologists call this Classical Conditioning or the stimulus-response mechanism and it was discovered by Ivan Pavlov in the early 1920s. Basically, he rang a bell before feeding his dogs, and soon enough they began to associate the bell with food. So, once they heard it ring, they would begin to salivate in anticipation of the meal ahead. Simple enough, right? 

Isn't that often how sin begins. A bell or thought goes off in our head. We entertain it- let it run wild. Before we know it, it's taken the form of an action. It feels good, though we know it's bad for us, because the Holy Spirit convicts us. So, we repent. Stop. Turn. A period of time passes. And then again, we hear that old familiar ringing. It's the Bell.

The thought is back, and this time, a little bit stronger. Why? Simple, it knows that we followed through last time. Our mind has entertained the thought and our body is preparing to react. We have conditioned ourselves to respond a certain way. Soon, you find yourself like a puppet/zombie, miming out the actions that only lead to death (Romans 6:23). Being directed by your thoughts....walking dangerously along the edge... again. #Grace!

Thoughts. Thoughts that are becoming actions. Actions that are becoming habits. Habits that are becoming strongholds. So, how do we break the cycle? How do we effectively reclaim our sound minds already bought with the precious blood of Christ?  

By FIXING our thoughts of course!!

"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."
                                                                               - Philippians 4:8 

But, how do we fix our thoughts? 




Be #INCouraged

In Christ

© 2012 Allison Pillay

Friday 16 November 2012



A constant series of inconsistencies

Days, hours, minutes, seconds
Measured by highs and lows that precede relapse
Anger the gasoline that burns in my soul 
Fueling my desire to Succeed


Forget that my father was an alcoholic
Forget that my brother was an addict
Forget that this was my life

You feel like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders
Carrying the burden of a sin that you do not own
Battling insecurities 


 and center

Longing to be free- 
And to create your own: 

Tonight, I am frustrated- but it's just the same
A circle of anger, tears, regret and shame
Constant as the rain
A bad night- a new day
We go on our way

Do Church, love Jesus, and try hard to pray

But the pain's in-excusable
And courage is lost
When tears are your pillow
And all night you toss:
You awake to fresh Hope- yes
But who shares your pain?
Your battle for perfection, they interpret as Vain...

You won't settle for less
'Cos you've seen what it looks like
And you've felt its cold grip:
Nothing in life is ever worth taking that trip

At times I feel like: The definition of Grace is lost on a user
'Cos that's what they do:
Use and abuse
"Sorry", really means: " I meant it"
Regret is a lie.
A lie is a promise just to get high.
But, still you Believe. You Pray. You Hope.
That their lives won't just go up in smoke.

I'm so tired of being the strong one-
The Hero
I just need somewhere soft to finally fall
I'm so tired of judgement by sugary princesses
Who live in tall castles, behind electrified walls 

To those who pass judgment before getting to know me
To see through all the toughness and barbed wire and body
Before your analysis- process the diagnosis
Take off your perfect pumps and walk in my shoes

Addiction is a cycle that never seems to end:
Broken promises, broken families, broken hearts-
Never seeming to mend
You live through every relapse, rehab visit and bad day
And your FAITH is what helps you to see the light along the way

But, this still sucks!

One day, with God's grace
I'll never have to look back
There will be nothing, there will be no one to get me off track
My Destiny is mine and I know God is on my side
The past IS closed shut
And my future: OPEN WIDE!!!

Thank You Jesus!

Becoming His Best...

© 2012 Allison Pillay


Tuesday 6 November 2012

No Substitutes

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your patience :) Finals are here once again, and so I have been with my blog in spirit for these past weeks- but today I check in!

I trust that you are all enjoying the season that God has placed you in. What a crazy bunch of weeks these have been! God has truly been doing some amazing things in this past month, and once again- this topic of love, singleness and marriage has floated to the surface of many discussions. I have been pondering many things lately; thoughts, experiences and revelations from past, present and dare I say- future lol! So, this may be your cup of tea, and if not, pass it on- but please share the truth. You never know who needs to hear it.

I think as women we "get" Christ faster because we know what it is to be 
wanted, loved, rescued, redeemed, sanctified and made whole. We are created to be saved, rescued, fought for, loved and adored. We want to belong to someone and are created to partner with them in a vision to extend God's Kingdom. It's so built-in to our being, our hard-drive. Love us right and you will have a Worshiper, Warrior and Wow-Man! for life :)

Christ also empowers women. In every encounter He had with them He sets them free emotionally, physically, spiritually, psychologically, and even financially. There is not one woman that left the presence of Jesus the same way!!!

Jesus continually washes us with the water of His Word- Ephesians 5:26.
His Love is Amazing! He Loves us into Perfection. He covers our Sins. He Redeems Us. His Love makes us Beautiful. In His arms we become the women we've always dreamed we would be:
Incredible! Irresistible! Unstoppable!

We also learn how to submit to HIM, walk in obedience- trust Him to lead us....
Stuff, we will need for marriage right? I would think so.

So, in essence- our ability and obedience as single women to follow Christ enables us to understand God's plan for marriage- (which is in essence- merely a blueprint for Christ and the Church.)

So, how do men respond to Christ? In their manliness I presume. They relate to Jesus as a man, a mentor and an example. And they should.

Ephesians 5:25-28 says " A husband should love his wife as much as Christ loved the church and have his life for it. He made the church holy by the power of His word, and He made it pure by washing it with water.

Christ did this, so that He would have a glorious and holy church, without faults or spots or wrinkles or any other flaws. In the same way a husband should love his wife as much as he loves himself. A husband who loves his wife shows that he loves himself. " 

Verse 33 goes on to say, "so each husband should love his wife as much as he loves himself, and each wife should respect her husband."

So the bottom line ladies is: Can He love you like Christ Does?

See, I think us woman got this "Love" thing down: The sacrifice, the adoration, the commitment, the putting him first etc. The desire to love is in-built within us. After all, God made Eve for Adam. So, once we think Adam sees us we like go into that "mode" of "I'm going to be all you need!!!"
Am I right? Lol!

Guess I'm calling it out tonight! Ooh now. I touched a nerve.

Ladies,[Allison], sisters- let's just rest in the Lord. If Mr Perfect walks in the door tomorrow (please Lord haha!) the one thing on my mind and heart should be:

Will he love me like Christ does? 

That's the standard right there.

Until then...

Keep Becoming His Best

For His Glory
© 2012
Allison Pillay

Saturday 6 October 2012

Love is a Fruit

I love journals. Seriously I do. 

It is always so encouraging to go back to old posts, protests and prayers and witness just how the hand of God has carried you through time. And some entries are just timeless. I was encouraged by one such entry from a while back.

"There is ultimately no loss in Love, for by opening up your heart to another- you can only grow. Love is the antithesis of all commodities, because when you choose to give it away, it always comes back- in one form or another. The economics of Love is that it is always in demand, and our most reliable supplier- God- never runs out! By being connected to Divine Love we are made innately aware of new things. For even when love is not reciprocated, love in its truest essence and noblest intentions is never wasted. In the end- when all has fallen away and everything has been shaken- Love will still be standing. 

"This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain."                         Hebrews12:27

The challenge in each day should thus not be merely to succeed, attain or overcome, but to love divinely. We find the key in Jesus. Love (not merely the idea of it) is practical not theoretical. They say: " Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?" Yet, love is not a trade- off or barter. Love in its purest form is a willing sacrifice. It says, " I have weighed up the options and I choose to put you first". Like Jesus who basically said, " though I have to die- I give my life for you to live." Love is a Choice.

See, when flutterings falter, looks fade, cash flow slows, attraction dies and chemistry fizzles out, Love says: " I will still choose you". Think about it, Jesus knew exactly how many times we would mess up, fail Him and yet still chose to die for and love us every single day! That's amazing! How can we love like that?

Love says: "Regardless of what I can get from you, I will seek your face and not just your hand. I will seek your heart and not just your wallet. I will seek your good and not just my gain."

Thus, there is ultimately no loss in Love because it is always a choice. A choice to believe that anything is possible. Love is the greatest adventure. There are no winners or losers in Love because it's never a game. 
It's a fruit, so cultivate it, eat it, share it and in doing so- learn from the Master Himself."

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
                                                                                          John 15:13

Till then, 

Keep Becoming His Best...

© 2012
Allison Pillay

Saturday 22 September 2012

the antithesis of a Poet [!]

antithesis of a Poet

Let my words speak for themselves:
Bold, Crunchy, Smooth, Rough
Like peanut-butter on bread
Spread it on. Thick.
Take a bite. Eat.
Be enlightened.

Let my words speak for themselves
For if you look at me you may not relate
For you will find:
No afro hair,
No emancipative stare,
No slogan tee,
No cause to free-
Just me

Relatively speaking, I am not what you see
I am what I speak
Having the power of life and death on my taste-buds
I choose Life
And boy… is it sweet!

Let my words speak for themselves
For they have life,
And can give life;
If you will receive LIFE

Let my words speak for themselves
For maybe within them you may recognize:
Footsteps heard in shoes you once wore
The taste of an-almost love that knocked at your door
Fears of the future, concealed in your past
Dying for truth;
Living for lies in contrast to:

Let my words speak for themselves;
For, I am the antithesis of a Poet
Here you will see:
No poetry slams, no hip-hop jams
No feminist fads or political jabs
No mentality of race, but a desire for space





I couldn’t colour outside the lines ‘cos I didn’t even have a pencil
When I stopped to ask for directions, teacher’s just handed me a stencil
But, I knew I was born “break the mould”

I Love Life
But I’m not sold
Cos’ I was bought with a price
And it’s so nice
To finally be free,
Basking in my True Identity
Found only in Him who has gone before me,
Loves me; adores me
Constantly assures me
That I am made in the image of ONE- who is three
The perfect design of a spiritual being
Beautiful, adorable- altogether irreplaceable
Born to love and to be loved; my heart- unshakeable
In passion, alive with fire and mystery
Designed to show forth the praises of The Holy Trinity
To testify of the wonders of His grace and glory
To speak Fire and Life; to share my story…

Let my words speak for themselves
For I am the antithesis of a poet,
I am conduit

“He who believes in me as the Scripture has said: ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.‘” John 7:38

Until then...

Keep becoming His best.

© 2012 Allison Pillay