Saturday 6 October 2012

Love is a Fruit

I love journals. Seriously I do. 

It is always so encouraging to go back to old posts, protests and prayers and witness just how the hand of God has carried you through time. And some entries are just timeless. I was encouraged by one such entry from a while back.

"There is ultimately no loss in Love, for by opening up your heart to another- you can only grow. Love is the antithesis of all commodities, because when you choose to give it away, it always comes back- in one form or another. The economics of Love is that it is always in demand, and our most reliable supplier- God- never runs out! By being connected to Divine Love we are made innately aware of new things. For even when love is not reciprocated, love in its truest essence and noblest intentions is never wasted. In the end- when all has fallen away and everything has been shaken- Love will still be standing. 

"This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain."                         Hebrews12:27

The challenge in each day should thus not be merely to succeed, attain or overcome, but to love divinely. We find the key in Jesus. Love (not merely the idea of it) is practical not theoretical. They say: " Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?" Yet, love is not a trade- off or barter. Love in its purest form is a willing sacrifice. It says, " I have weighed up the options and I choose to put you first". Like Jesus who basically said, " though I have to die- I give my life for you to live." Love is a Choice.

See, when flutterings falter, looks fade, cash flow slows, attraction dies and chemistry fizzles out, Love says: " I will still choose you". Think about it, Jesus knew exactly how many times we would mess up, fail Him and yet still chose to die for and love us every single day! That's amazing! How can we love like that?

Love says: "Regardless of what I can get from you, I will seek your face and not just your hand. I will seek your heart and not just your wallet. I will seek your good and not just my gain."

Thus, there is ultimately no loss in Love because it is always a choice. A choice to believe that anything is possible. Love is the greatest adventure. There are no winners or losers in Love because it's never a game. 
It's a fruit, so cultivate it, eat it, share it and in doing so- learn from the Master Himself."

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
                                                                                          John 15:13

Till then, 

Keep Becoming His Best...

© 2012
Allison Pillay

1 comment:

  1. Hi Allison!

    Love your blog and I just love the way you express yourself. I am a French published christian writer and blogger myself who highly enjoys reading others writings very much. You have great talent and your such a blessing dear. Blogging is a lot of work and it takes much time to get a platform as they say, but do not loss hope because YOU have much to offer, God will you use you. Trust in Him and let Him lead you.

