Tuesday 4 September 2012

The Single Lady & The Abundant Life

All My Single-Ladies,

Don't put your hands up. I know how you feel. He didn't put a ring on it, or maybe he did, then changed his mind. Or maybe you're still waiting for "him". Uh, uh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Are you one of those just going through the hum-drum of life, waiting for "him" to appear and life to suddenly take flight? Well, are you?

Wake Up!! There's a whole lot of life to live and a whole lot of people to love! The abundant life that Jesus spoke of in John 10:10 is not just to be lived at a specific time or season- but continually in our walk with Him. Whether single or married, business-woman or housewife, we are called to live the abundant life in Jesus Christ. See, the abundant life is not dependant on our circumstances: past, present or future, but on the goodness of a loving, faithful, supernatural God.

When I was younger (than I am now!) and used to do school evangelism, I remember encouraging other teens not to wait until they were older before choosing Jesus. Many of them said," I'll serve Jesus, after college", or " I want to experience life first". Well, those who chose to do life before Christ, found it to be a shallow experience filled with much confusion, and in time soon discovered that indeed Christ is Life!  You see, they had initially thought that if they waited for life to be just perfect, that would be the best time to serve Jesus. How often do we sometimes think that way?

For those of you who know and love me :), you are well acquainted with my culinary creations and passion for cooking. It is a past-time that helps me to relax, unwind and unleash my creativity on hungry participants! Yet, I must admit that my greatest reward often comes from seeing those I love enjoy the meal. Which begs the question from many a nosy aunt (because yes, I am part Indian), "So nice curry you make! When you gonna find a nice, nice husband?"  Umm, and that's my cue.... "Dessert anyone?"

Well, to be honest, many a single sister has often asked the same question, "When, Lord?". If fact, we can sometimes get so caught up in the eternal angst that we inevitably put our lives on hold. Instead of living life abundantly- we put our desires, dreams and ultimately destiny on hold for "One Day".

In "Lady in Waiting" by Jackie Kendall and Debbie Jones, I came across one such story of a young lady- who in anticipation of her prince arriving one day- had packed away all her treasured items. In fact, she used to eat all meals on a paper plate! One day, God told her to set out her finest china and crystal for dinner and to continue doing so. Each night, she ate dinner, not from a paper plate- but from fine china, as the precious Princess that she was. 

Guess what? In time her hosting skills grew and one day (read the book to find out how :O), her dreams came true!

You see, the abundant life is all about enjoying God now. Just where you are: Loving God and living Life to the fullest.  Remember: You are LOVED, You are CHOSEN, You are WANTED! So don't hold back and wait for the perfect moment- but dive right in! Father God is waiting to lead you onto the Adventure of a lifetime- Yours!

Chicken Tagliatelle with a Creamy Pesto-Parma sauce and home-made Garlic Crostini- Bon' Apetite! [Recipe available on request ;D]

Till then...

Keep Becoming His Best

© 2012
Allison Pillay

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome allison! I was going to touch on something of this point in my next post and hadn't really articulated just yet...i may just point people here! :-)
