Wednesday 21 November 2012

The Law of Substitution- Part 2

"Don't become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants-what is good, pleasing, and perfect."  Romans 12:2 (God's Word Translation)

Been waiting in anticipation??

So have I!! Welcome Back! We are in the process of we fixing our thoughts- but where do we begin?

Well, if your mind wants to play tricks on you- you gotta outsmart it! 

God has fearfully and wonderfully created us (Psalm 139:14).
He has given us the ability to train our brain! From birth our brain is making all these connections and associations and programming them into our being to be used later. Therefore, we have the ability and responsibility to condition our mind toward thoughts (and thus actions) that are positive and productive.

Thus, it boils down to the law of substitution and the application of classical conditioning- utilizing the power of The Holy Spirit (of course) and the Word of God. 

Rather than trying to suppress those unproductive, negative thoughts, substitute them with the Word of God and redirect them to the image of that scripture in action.

2 Corinthians 10:5 says "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" [gotta love King James ;D]

WE are thus called on to: 1- Cast Down 
                                    2- Capture (& Exile)

thoughts and imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge or obedience of Christ. See, temptation is not there to expose our weakness- but rather to exalt the power of God within us- through the working of His Spirit. God has given us the resources for success in all areas of life, and it begins with the mind> the seat of all human behavior.

So, for example in practice: The next time you're fuming and about to curse:  

- Stop, and recognise the symptoms of tension building up: irritation, hurt etc.

- Acknowledge that you ARE angry- then redirect that emotion to the Word
   of God

- God says, "Be angry and do not sin" (He also acknowledges this emotion, thus not DENYING that you would feel this way, but offering an escape)

                                                       -Ephesians 4:26 & 1 Corinthians 10:13

- Repeat, meditate (yes like a mantra!) on this Word and allow the Holy Spirit

  to fill your mind with new pictures of God's peace, provision & vision for you.

- Walk in that vision of a New You- Let it become your Truth.

It does not happen overnight, but through constant redirection and substitution of altering thoughts with the Word of God- through the Power of The Holy Spirit- we too can have the mind of Christ and live Victorious Lives!


"We have the mind of Christ"                                       -1 Corinthians 2:16

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus"  - Philippians 2:5   


Be #INCouraged

In Christ

© 2012 Allison Pillay

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