Saturday 15 December 2012

Deck the Halls.....With Prayer

Hi Friends,

Wow! It's really been a while. Too long! I hope that you are all doing well and that God's love has brought you into a place of abundant grace and blessing.

Can you believe that we are just 10 days away from Christmas!!! It's crazy! Well, in between all the joy of the season, I have witnessed much pain and loss by some members of the Body. I believe that this is why it is so critical to be sensitive during this period. Not everyone is in the same place, and to some this can be the loneliest, most difficult period of the year.

For many this year has been a struggle and they simply can't wait for it to be over. To them I say, be encouraged, for God says in Isaiah 43:18,19:

"Remember you not the former things neither consider the things of old.

Behold I WILL do a new thing; NOW it SHALL spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a WAY in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

It's not over till God says so, so hold on and know that Victory awaits you NOW. It is here. God will help you to cross over and transition into your HOPE. Just trust in Him and allow His Spirit to direct your thoughts towards Victory in Christ! 

Let us also not forget the widows, orphans, elderly, those divorced, widowed, unemployed, impoverished, alone, broken, abused, etc. This is what is addressed in Isaiah 58:6-8:

"Is this not the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke"-  v6

Last night, at a youth festival in a local community riddled with social ills (from drugs and prostitution to murder and mayhem), it became so evident the need to continually remain prayerful during this season. There is so much going on in our communities, that we can often try to drown it out with our own happiness and festive oblivion. Yet, God is calling us to be a light shining brighter and brighter into day for those who cannot see. Now, this does not mean that we should not celebrate a good year of God's grace- but rather that we extend that same grace to those so in need of it. And we don't have to go far to find a worthy candidate...

The preacher who shared last night mentioned how after Jesus was born, King Herod then sent out a command to execute all the babies born during that season in the Kingdom. (Matthew 2:16) This was such a revelation to me as I realized that during this season, so many negative things do take place especially to children. It is thus vital to remain under God's protective covering in His Word and under Christ's blood (Psalm 91).

We have to take authority over that spirit of death released so many years ago against our children in this season. Our condolences, heartfelt sympathies and prayers go out to those families of the Newton incident in Connecticut. Tragedies such as this are so painful- especially during this time of year. Therefore, it is not a season to get slack beloved. It is not a season to overindulge or overspend or become spiritually lackadaisical. Let's get into God, more than ever.

It is not a time to get off the wall, but to remained stationed in the Spirit- militant. This is still a war. Souls are on the line. Cover your families, your children, your communities. Make a hedge and block off every entrance to the enemy and REJOICE in the victory of Christ.

GOD is still on the throne. Therefore, let us remain watchmen on the walls and deck the halls with Prayer. (Isaiah 62:6)

Rest in His love and walk in His Spirit as you prepare to have your:


Be #INCouraged

In Christ

© 2012 Allison Pillay

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