Tuesday 6 November 2012

No Substitutes

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your patience :) Finals are here once again, and so I have been with my blog in spirit for these past weeks- but today I check in!

I trust that you are all enjoying the season that God has placed you in. What a crazy bunch of weeks these have been! God has truly been doing some amazing things in this past month, and once again- this topic of love, singleness and marriage has floated to the surface of many discussions. I have been pondering many things lately; thoughts, experiences and revelations from past, present and dare I say- future lol! So, this may be your cup of tea, and if not, pass it on- but please share the truth. You never know who needs to hear it.

I think as women we "get" Christ faster because we know what it is to be 
wanted, loved, rescued, redeemed, sanctified and made whole. We are created to be saved, rescued, fought for, loved and adored. We want to belong to someone and are created to partner with them in a vision to extend God's Kingdom. It's so built-in to our being, our hard-drive. Love us right and you will have a Worshiper, Warrior and Wow-Man! for life :)

Christ also empowers women. In every encounter He had with them He sets them free emotionally, physically, spiritually, psychologically, and even financially. There is not one woman that left the presence of Jesus the same way!!!

Jesus continually washes us with the water of His Word- Ephesians 5:26.
His Love is Amazing! He Loves us into Perfection. He covers our Sins. He Redeems Us. His Love makes us Beautiful. In His arms we become the women we've always dreamed we would be:
Incredible! Irresistible! Unstoppable!

We also learn how to submit to HIM, walk in obedience- trust Him to lead us....
Stuff, we will need for marriage right? I would think so.

So, in essence- our ability and obedience as single women to follow Christ enables us to understand God's plan for marriage- (which is in essence- merely a blueprint for Christ and the Church.)

So, how do men respond to Christ? In their manliness I presume. They relate to Jesus as a man, a mentor and an example. And they should.

Ephesians 5:25-28 says " A husband should love his wife as much as Christ loved the church and have his life for it. He made the church holy by the power of His word, and He made it pure by washing it with water.

Christ did this, so that He would have a glorious and holy church, without faults or spots or wrinkles or any other flaws. In the same way a husband should love his wife as much as he loves himself. A husband who loves his wife shows that he loves himself. " 

Verse 33 goes on to say, "so each husband should love his wife as much as he loves himself, and each wife should respect her husband."

So the bottom line ladies is: Can He love you like Christ Does?

See, I think us woman got this "Love" thing down: The sacrifice, the adoration, the commitment, the putting him first etc. The desire to love is in-built within us. After all, God made Eve for Adam. So, once we think Adam sees us we like go into that "mode" of "I'm going to be all you need!!!"
Am I right? Lol!

Guess I'm calling it out tonight! Ooh now. I touched a nerve.

Ladies,[Allison], sisters- let's just rest in the Lord. If Mr Perfect walks in the door tomorrow (please Lord haha!) the one thing on my mind and heart should be:

Will he love me like Christ does? 

That's the standard right there.

Until then...

Keep Becoming His Best

For His Glory
© 2012
Allison Pillay

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