Thursday 16 August 2012

A Winning Attitude

Welcome Friends:

With the thrill and excitement of the Olympics now past, we are left behind with some lingering thoughts on a winning attitude. 

Over the years many athletes and professional sportsmen and women have gone on to document just what it took for them to win each Gold, Silver or Bronze medal. While many of them mention diet, training and exercise, you will find the key component to their success was the right mindset.

When it really came down to those last few seconds before crossing the finish line- they each BELIEVED that they could do it! They didn't waiver, didn't doubt, didn't complain, didn't compare themselves with their fellow athletes.They just KEPT FOCUSSED on their Goal- Go Hard:Finish Strong!

Proverbs 23:7 says that "as a man thinks so he becomes". How true. 

We find in Christ the perfect example of a Winning Attitude.
How did Jesus think? How did He run His race, when things were good? When His back was up against the wall? What was His mind-set when He suffered persecution, betrayal, denial and eventually death? I'll tell you how:

He stayed FOCUSSED. He did not waiver in God's plan for His life. He trusted God's perfect plan for Him. Especially when it didn't make sense. He abandoned His will to God's perfect will. And we are the results of His obedience.

"For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me." John 6:38

Today, I learn from Jesus how to have a winning attitude:
I learn from Him how to be a better human-being. I am drawn to His humanity and transformed by His Divinity. Challenged by His Words. Changed by His Life

#Jesusnevergivesup- and neither should I.

Till Later...

Keep Becoming His Best
© 2012 Allison Pillay

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