Wednesday 31 July 2013

The King's Garden

"My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies. I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine: he feedeth among the lilies."- Song of Solomon 6:2-3              

God keeps the best flowers in His garden. He guards them jealously; their beauty; their fragrance; their pollen; their nectar; their ability to make honey and the joy that they bring. 

He knows that a flower- once plucked- does not last very long. So, He waits until one He trusts, one proven to be a good, faithful and trustworthy gardener comes along. Then, and only then, does He hand over His most prized possession. Only then is the transplant initiated.

He informs the gardener of the exact specifications required for the fruitful, flourishing care of each unique specimen. See, a flower cannot simply be handed over. The right environment must be maintained for optimal growth and everlasting beauty. Similar to how a green house creates the optimal temperature, humidity and external levels to allow plants to grow outside of their natural habitat. So, does the King give the gardener all this insight to care for the specific flower chosen to be in his committed care, with all the passion and tenderness that He originally did.

Once the gardener has received this knowledge, the transplant is ready to begin. The soil must be fertile, the nutrients just right: ALL FACTORS will point to a healthy new home being made available to this flower with all the amenities she has become accustomed to in the palace. Not just material substance- but spiritual sustenance. A good gardener knows how to feed his flower; to preserve her; to usher her into her true beauty and to remind her that she ultimately belongs to the King. He is but a steward for the Kingdom.

So, don't rush to leave the King's Garden, where all your needs are implicitly catered for. Wait for the gardener He appoints to care for you through and into your Destiny in Him. Be content and patient. Enjoy the freedom and safety of His palace walls. He will send one who knows your TRUE VALUE, POTENTIAL and WORTH. He will send one who will look after and protect your beauty, defend your purity and propel you into your purpose just as He does.

So wait, and enjoy being in the Master's care. There is no better place to be than in The King's Garden. For, He is always there.

Be #INCouraged
In Christ

©2013 Allison Marche' Pillay

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