Monday 9 September 2013

Ink Stains ~ A Collection of Early Poetry

This is a poem I wrote when I was fourteen years old in my English class. It was an exercise as an adaptation of the poem "The Door" by Miroslav Holub and a great way to learn the power of poetry. I am very grateful for this gift.

The Book

Go and open the Book
Maybe inside there's a word,
or a sentence,
a passage
or even 
a picture

Go and open the book
Maybe inside a dragon is being slain
Maybe you'll read of a magic mirror
or a Kingdom
or the story,
of a story

Go and open the Book
If it's covered in dust
can blow it away

Go and open the book
Even if there's only

Even if there's only



Go and open the Book

At least...

There will be a Title

 Allison M.Pillay Oct 1998

 Be #INspired

©2013 Allison Marche' Pillay

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Quantum Leaping & The Life Energy of Dreams~ A Leap of Faith: Chapter 1

The Beginning of The Beginning of The Beginning

On the 23 October 2011, during a time of great transition in my life, God gave me a dream and I awoke with the words: "Begin with the Dream and work your way backwards". I didn't understand what that meant, so I asked Him to please explain. He said:"Quantum Leap". Now, I did not study Physics at all in school and was an English and Business major in college so, all I knew about Quantum Leaping was that TV series back in the 90s and time-traveling Al. Still, while I had no doubt that my God can do the impossible, I didn't think I would be flying any time soon-with the "Back to the Future" theme playing in the background!

God smiled at my quizzical thoughts and continued to say," When you live from the Dream, instead of to it: you will enter the Dream". Wow! What? Say that again please? I thought we had to work towards our goals and dreams- isn't that what we have been told since childhood? It was like something had been unlocked in my mind. "The Dream need not be recreated: if I could imagine and simply receive, then it already was." What this meant, was not that I stopped working towards the Dream- but rather, accept that it was and to "begin" from that point. It was. I didn't have to strive-merely accept: "My thoughts towards you are good, my plans for you are good: to give you an expected end."- Jeremiah 29:11

The challenge for me was now to believe in the unseen more than the seen: for eternity to more than just trump "reality": but to become it.  And my "reality" at that point in time was painful and very real. How can you believe in the power or beauty of your dreams when you feel as if time, opportunity and life in itself has passed you by? I understood this Word on an intellectual level: Believe in the promises of God, right? But it was yet to soak into my heart and become the essence of my being. 

So, in my initial excitement, I shared this revelation with my mom and a few friends, then kind of forgot about it for a while (years!) as "life" took over. Then, these past few months- when everything has been so challenging and God has been dealing with me to the very core of my character & being- this Word was resurrected. So, upon His leading, I decided to do a bit more research into this subject of the Quantum Theory and to release what He has been sharing with me. It is by no means complete, but I do hope that it will be a blessing to you, as it has been to me, and continue to encourage you to live out your dreams with Faith in Him!


Quantum Living
~ As revealed to me by the Holy Spirit means living from the future & not to it. It is living out what's already been written by Destiny- not rewriting it. In essence, it is living from the unlimited realm of the Spirit regardless of what we may face in the natural. Think of Paul and Silas worshiping in jail (Acts 16:25-40): Chains are broken and they walk out of prison, converting souls along the way. The reasoning behind Quantum Living  is nothing more than obedience and faith towards God: trusting in His promises, love and character above the limitations of this realm. It is about a call to Higher Living- where His Word, Love and presence supersede all else. It's about living in the Dimension of Possibility- no matter what!!

"Greater things will you do in My name"- John 14:12

Think of the transportation of Phillip by the Holy Spirit in Acts 8:39,40.  What we are talking about here is not merely a physical transitioning (although scientifically this account of Phillip being led away suddenly and appearing in another town, does attest to the theory of Quantum Leap in Physics*see below)- but rather a #Shifting in our Spiritual and Mental Capacity; which results in the timeous and tangible manifestation of God's Promises in our lives.


When we begin to live FROM the Future: it is Biblical. Jesus Christ has secured our future through His death,resurrection and gift of eternal life through belief in Him. He has conquered death and satan, and "Being seated with Christ in Heavenly Places" (Ephesians 2:6) we begin to Reign on Earth as our spirits already do in Heaven. The theory of #Quantum Leap is thus one of
Spiritual Responsibility and Authority:


"His ways and thoughts are Higher than ours" Isaiah 55:8-9, and so what seems contrary/opposite to this world is often perfect sense in His.

So, what does this Quantum Living mean on a practical day-to-day level?

It means that your Dreams, Wishes, Desires and Destiny are already complete in Him. No need to strive, stress, clamor or complain. Yes, it does require a Conscious effort by our will and the power of The Holy Spirit to "put on the mind of Christ"- 1 Corinthians 2:16 .However, once we begin to renew our minds as in Romans 12:1 we become "transformed by the renewing of our minds, and [are able to] walk in the perfect will of God." There are no expiry dates to God's promises!

Our obedience and faith in God can either drive or delay our miracle.
Notice, how Jesus was never in a hurry to do anything: He lived on God's timetable because HE KNEW and TRUSTED in Father's will. 
 "So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days,  and then he said to his disciples, “Let us go back to Judea.” - John 11:6,7

Jesus delayed rushing to Lazarus' aid because He knew that God had a greater plan and in verse 4 said: "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” He was acting from faith in the Perfect Future and knowledge of God's perfect will. He knew, and trusted God beyond reason; and therein lay the Victory. Faith is a knowing beyond logic and a trusting beyond reason in a perfect, loving,committed & infinitely powerful God.

So, when God gives us a promise, we are able to trust it,believe it and live as if it is already done- because It Is!! #Faith can accelerate promises in a way you cannot believe!!! (Quantum Leap Theory- a movement of energy from one point to another without passing through any other points along the way!!!)

In life, there are very few people we can truly rely on and sadly sometimes even fewer that we can trust- but God is not so. " is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." - Isaiah 55:11

So, today, no matter where you may be in life, or how far away from your goals you may feel: if God has given you a promise or a dream: "Just Believe"- for there is really NO LIMIT to what we can achieve in Him!!!

Quantum Leap Theory -Scientifically Defined with Biblical Synopsis

Some people think that a Quantum Leap is a particularly large leap. This is incorrect. In fact, in quantum physics, where the expression came from, a quantum leap is usually a very TINY leap indeed, often smaller than the diameter of the nucleus of an atom. Wow!!!! Can you say mustard seed faith?

Am I the only one seeing a correlation between faith & the quantum leap theory? A Leap of FAITH can take us/transfer atoms from one point in space/time to another! So Jesus knew His stuff!! Science proves the theory of Faith!!! 

 "You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."-Matthew 17:20

So what is a Quantum Leap? A quantum leap is a leap from A to B, without passing through any of the points between A and B. Imagine that you enter a train in A-ville. You sit in your seat, and the train is instantly transported to your destination of B-ville. You just made a quantum leap. The train didn't pass through any point between A-ville and B-ville.

A train on tracks is essentially a one-dimensional system. The quantum leap idea works just as well in 2 to 3 dimensions. Something performs a Quantum Leap if it goes directly from some point A to some other point B, without passing through any other points from the time it left A to the time it arrived at B. ** (Acts 8:39-40) 

"When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea."

Some say Philip ran really fast, but I choose to believe the Word as it is. 
The Holy Spirit supernaturally transported him over thirty miles to the sea coast town Azotus proving that Quantum Leap is more than just a theory- in the natural or spiritual realm.

Outside of cartoons, we don't see quantum leaps in Real Life. We only see Quantum Leaps at the sub-atomic (or quantum) level. A sub-atomic particle (an electron, for example) can often go from A to B without passing through any other points. This is counter-intuitive. But, IT HAPPENS!!

Besides leaping across a distance, sub-atomic particles can CHANGE by leaps in other ways. An electron can change energy from energy-level A to energy-level B in a leap, without having any of the intermediate values of energy. In fact, this is where the term "quantum" comes from. At the sub-atomic level, energy is created and used up in well-defined amounts called "quanta." "Quanta" is plural, "quantum" is singular. 

The Holy Spirit in His person & being is the Life-giving, Energy-transforming, Mind-renewing, Body-healing, Administrative Power source of The Trinity!!!  And we get to call Him our Friend!!!

"And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you."- Romans 8:11   (energy transferred)

"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."
- 2 Corinthians 2:18  (energy transformed)

As you can now see, the quantum leaps in the TV series, Quantum Leap, were true quantum leaps. The main character did indeed leap through space and time, without passing through any of the intermediate space and time.

An electron is not "in" an orbit. An electron is a wave that occupies some volume, has some energy, momentum... This wave is called an orbital when the electron is trapped around a nucleus.

When the electron makes a quantum leap, it suddenly changes not only its orbit, but also its energy. In doing that, it EMITS a BURST of light! Technically speaking, it emits a packet of electromagnetic Waves. This packet, this burst, is called a "quantum." The quantum of light is called a photon.

*Thus the electron emits a quantum packet of energy (a photon) when it
makes a quantum leap to a lower orbit, or absorbs it when it makes a leap to a higher orbit (or a higher state of energy)

Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. - Colossians 3:1-2

So what does all this scientific data have to do with what God shared with me? Well, I am discovering that this natural theory proves a spiritual truth:
NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! If God can prove through science that:

1- Energy can be moved from one place to another without passing through
2- That energy can be changed from one level to another:
    >A higher orbit quantum leap absorbs energy/light (BELIEF)
    >A lower orbit quantum leap emits or loses energy or light (UNBELIEF)

Then Nothing is impossible to them who believe: 

"What do you mean, 'If I can'?" Jesus asked. "Anything is possible if a person believes." 
- Mark 9:23

So, if Faith = energy then complete the equation :)

Our Faith in God's promises + The Power of The Holy Spirit= #Limitlessness!

Let's begin to #Quantum Leap our way into the Future of our Dreams! 

To Be continued...

The Holy Spirit
The Bible- KJV, NIV, NLT

Be #INCouraged
In Christ

©2013 Allison Marche' Pillay